BorsodChem Zrt. (“BorsodChem”) maintains this website to provide Safety Data Sheets (“SDS”) for the customers of BorsodChem or Wanhua Netherland BV (“Wanhua”). Thus if you are not one of the customers of BorsodChem or Wanhua or you have not got username and a password key, please leave this website because you are not authorized to use it.
This website and the documents, materials, information, services, and products in this site, including, without limitation, text, graphics, and links, are provided "as is" basis and BorsodChem undertakes no responsibility for and gives no guarantees, warranties concerning the preciseness, completeness or up-to-date of this information provided on this website whether express or implied and does not accept any liability whatsoever arising from any errors or omissions. You expressly agree that use of this site and/or its content is at your sole risk.
BorsodChem does not provide any interpretation or advice concerning any of the information that is contained within the SDS document as this is the responsibility of the user. Consequently, BorsodChem will not be held liable for any errors or omissions, acts or communications concerning the appropriateness for use of certain products at the users location(s) or for any other matters pertaining to the use of hazardous products including, but not limited to safety concerns, personal protective equipment, regulatory matters, spills and releases, first aid measures, work health etc.
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